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Friday, January 11, 2013

Giving Yourself Permission To Succeed Massively - lebron 9 shoes

What does it take for you or I to give ourselves permission to succeed massively anywayFor most of us, it takes a radical shift in thinking nike dunks low. This is especially true if we had no role models in our developmental years who were major successes.

The first step in achieving massive success is believing that its possible foamposites for sale. One of the easiest ways to achieve that is to study, and read about, those who have actually accomplished what you hope to achieve.

The second step, is to believe that YOU can achieve it, and that you deserve to lebron basketball shoes. It's fairly easy to believe that others can accomplish incredible things.

We only need to glance at rockets venturing into space, or the magic of the internet, to see what others can do lebron 9 shoes. It's a major leap though to believe that we can accomplish such marvelous feats ourselves.

Even after we believe that we can do it, we have to "get over" feeling that it's "not right" for us to have major success. For many of us, our upbringings instilled in us the deep-seated belief that some things like having massive wealth, is inherently wrong. My grandmother, who loved me dearly, often reminded me that "money is the root of all evil." This is far from what the Bible, that she unintentionally misquoted, actually says :-)To get to step two, you need to develop what "serial millionaire," Lisa Diane calls "The Million Dollar Mindset." You can download a free MP3 recording on how you develop this mindset from her website at: MP3, which has inspired many, is scheduled to be taken down in a few days so grab it now.A third necessary step that is absolutely essential is that you get over "excusitis" and "blameitis." Rationalizing that others can do it because of unique advantages is really unfounded.Take a few minutes and actually study the backgrounds of some of the leading Internet markets. You can do this by reading or listen to audio interviews of them at: you study those that you think had unique advantages, you'll discover ordinary people who suffered from depression, addictions, homelessness, suicidal tendencies, gang involvement, bankruptcy, being fired, being shot, business failures, and dozens of other challenging human conditions.When you really examine the backgrounds of those who have succeeded massively, and that you therefore feel somehow owe you a helping hand, you'll discover people who sometimes put in 80 to 100 hour work weeks routinely. You'll discover people who simply Wanted it bad enough to put in the effort.Giving yourself permission to succeed massively often means adjusting your attitude. That's usually the first requirement. After that, it means committing to taking massive, massive action. It also means not ever considering the possibility of giving up. Temporary setbacks are always a possibility, but quitting can never be an option.

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